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How Deep Is An Average Well?

Most water wells for homes are dug between 100 and 500 feet deep. But when you are having a new well for your house or business from a well drilling contractor near you, the depth of the well will be determined by the geology of the area as well as the underground water levels. 

When choosing the appropriate depth of a well to dig, well-drilling businesses rely on their knowledge, experience, and an element of educated guessing. Because the depth of the well might have an effect on the cost, it is crucial to select a business before drilling begins that has the expertise to provide you with an exact estimate of what the cost will be.

The water in a well comes from aquifers and underground pockets of water in the rock at different depths. A bedrock well is drilled into solid rock to get to the water that flows through cracks in the rock. Most wells in homes are about six inches in diameter and have a casing or liner also six inches in diameter. 

The casing is put into the bedrock to keep water and sand from getting into your well. In many cases, a seal is placed at the bottom of the casing to make a seal in the bedrock. The casing will be about 12 inches above the ground on the outside.

Why Are They Important?

It is estimated that approximately 12 million households in the United States provide drinking water for over 42 million people.

A source from which one can obtain potable water is a well. When creating a well, it is sometimes necessary to use hand drills and shovels to dig into the ground, while other times, it is necessary to drill into bedrock or some other type of hard surface.

The provision of water to people in regions where alternative drinking sources may not be accessible, such as in the event of a natural disaster or the event that the public drinking system becomes contaminated, is one of the primary reasons why wells are considered to be so vital.

Well provides a self-sufficient source of drinking water that is not dependent on the surrounding area’s infrastructure, which is why they are most frequently utilized in rural locations. In addition, farmers make use of them to irrigate their crops and feedlots for livestock.

People who live off the grid often choose to take care of their own water management needs. Wells provides a way for them to access potable water in remote, hard-to-reach locations. In some cases, they even use windmills or solar panels to power pumps to help draw the water up from beneath the ground.

Overall, wells are essential components of any sustainable community as they provide an independent source of drinking water that is not dependent on the surrounding area’s infrastructure. 

They can provide comfort and security by allowing people access to a self-sufficient source of clean drinking water no matter their location or situation. Additionally, wells can reduce the reliance on external sources for food production and livestock management.

Furthermore, wells are essential because they are more cost-effective than public water systems and can often provide an abundant water source. For this reason, wells are imperative components of any community’s infrastructure and will continue to play a vital role in providing reliable drinking water for years to come.

How Deep Should A Well Be For Drinking Water?

It is recommended that wells used for drinking water be at least one hundred feet deep to prevent surface contaminants from falling into the well.

The typical depth of a well for a private residence ranges anywhere from 100 to 800 feet.

If the geology of your region is different from that of another part of the country, you might need a well that is either deeper or shallower. The depth of your well is going to be determined not only by the type of soil you have but also by the presence or absence of rocks beneath the surface of the earth. Because certain rocks are impermeable, the depth of the well will need to be increased in order to avoid hitting them.

You also need to ensure that your well was drilled deep enough so that you can continue to draw water even when the water table is low.

Before you begin drilling for your drinking well, the state or county health department in your area will supply you with a list of the regulations that must be met, in addition to regulating the minimum depth to which private wells should be dug.

When drilling a well deeper, you will find a greater concentration of minerals. This may be beneficial to one’s health; however, the water may be unsuitable due to its high mineral content. You may require a water softener to prevent damage to your home’s plumbing and other equipment.

The Problem With Shallow Wells

If a well’s depth is less than 50 feet, then the well is said to be shallow. However, if a well is less than 100 feet deep, there needs to be more soil thickness to absorb all the toxins seeping into the earth adequately. This can lead to the water of poor quality, the presence of black particles in the water, discoloration, and other issues.

The water that is at the top of the water table is the water that is drawn from shallow wells. This indicates that water may be susceptible to surface water contamination from sources such as the discharge of animal wastes, motor oils, pesticides, or fertilizers. In addition, this means that water may be vulnerable to groundwater contamination.

If you want to ensure that the water in shallow wells is safe to drink, you should get it tested at least once a year.

Deeper Doesn’t Always Mean Better Water Quality

The more expensive well drilling becomes as depth increases. Depending on the makeup of the soil, a well can be constructed for as low as $5,000, but it can cost up to ten times as much depending on what you are drilling through and how deep you are drilling. We created an article regarding a well’s installation and annual costs, so click here to learn how much well water costs.

In general, a shallower well depth will generate higher yields. In contrast, deeper wells will require larger pump systems to extract water, resulting in higher annual running expenses due to the need to remove the water of lower quality from further below the surface. In addition, the additional energy necessary to pump groundwater from greater depths means electricity costs will rise. Having clean drinking water is just as important as having cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter months, which is why it is great to the best air conditioning contractor available to you.

At Well Doctor LLC, we understand the importance of water quality and respect the need to have access to safe drinking water. As such, our team of experts is available to advise you through well drilling that meets your needs and requirements. 

We specialize in providing effective solutions for both domestic and commercial applications, so contact us today if you would like to discuss having a well drilling on your property.

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