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Mineral Springs Greenway

The Mineral Springs Greenway is located in Mineral Springs, a small town in North Carolina. Here are some interesting facts about the Greenway:

  • The Mineral Springs Greenway features a one-way trail that goes on for 1.7 miles. It is divided into various segments. The Carolina Thread Trail segment of the trail is called the Yellow Trail.
  • The Yellow Trail is one of the most commonly traveled portions of the park. It starts at the McNeely Road trailhead and continues alongside the Wolf and Bates creek branches.
  • The trail’s natural surface is ideal for easy hiking. It is open to hikers, mountain bikers, and even horseback riders.
  • Yellow wooden arrow markings or painted diamonds on trees are used along the trail for directing hikers.
  • Pets are welcome on the trail as long as they are on a leash.
  • Motorized vehicles like ATVs, scooters, and RVs are not allowed on the trail.
  • Mineral Spring Greenway provides sufficient parking spaces at its entry for up to 50 vehicles.
  • Birdwatchers are a common sight in Mineral Springs Greenway. They visit to watch the many bird species that make the park their home, including the Louisiana Waterthrush, Black-and-white Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Blue Grosbeak, Ovenbird, and the Northern Parula.
  • All of Mineral Spring Greenway’s trails lay in the shade of trees. For now, the primary trail ends at the northern end of the property before a dried-out creek.
  • The Town of Mineral Springs, Catawba Lands Conservancy, and the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund are responsible for managing and protecting Mineral Spring Greenway’s hardwood forest, which spans 60 acres.

If taking NC-75 E, Mineral Spring Greenway is a 5-minute, 3.8-mile drive from Well Doctor’s branch office in Waxhaw.

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