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Tiger World

Tiger World is a wildlife park in Rockwell, North Carolina that’s dedicated to the conservation of endangered animals. Below are some interesting facts about this park:

  • It is an accredited educational center and non-profit animal conservation center that receives no government funding or tax support.
  • Tiger World provides walkabout self-guided tours and educational tours to visiting adults and kids who’d like to learn more about the animals in the park
  • All the animals in Tiger World are placed in an environment that closely simulates their natural habitat. This gives visitors an opportunity to watch their favorite animals run, play, and sleep in a stimulating environment.
  • Lea Jaunakais is the founder and owner of Tiger World
  • The park was founded in 2007, but it didn’t open until July 1, 2008, after acquiring a closed down zoo.
  • One of the biggest attractions at Tiger World is the Carnivore Feed Safari. It gives guests a unique opportunity to watch a tiger and/or lion feed.
  • During the Carnivore Feed Safari, handlers teach guests about the unique feeding behaviors of each animal, as well as the types of meat they eat.
  • Tiger World is open to adults and children of all ages, which makes it ideal for family outings.
  • Because Tiger World is a non-profit and receives no tax support, much of its funding comes from monetary, material, and food donations.
  • Individuals are also welcome to donate their services to the zoo.
  • The collection of animals within the park consists of 54 different animal species, which include 14 Endangered Animals.
  • Over a hundred thousand guests come to the park every year.
  • Some of the most popular animals within the park are bears, ligers (a tiger and lion hybrid), lions, lynx, monkeys, bobcats, cougars, leopards, wolves, reptiles, kangaroos, tigers, lemurs, and other fantastic beasts.
  • Pets and smoking aren’t allowed within the park.

Via Castor Rd, Well Doctor in Granite Quarry, NC is a 15-minute, 7.3-mile drive to Tiger World.

Learn about Boone’s Cave Park.

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