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At Well Doctor LLC in Weddington, N.C., we understand how important your family is to you. That's why we're so proud to offer our services in helping you create a safe water supply for them.

We offer professional well-drilling services. We'll assist you with the excavation of the well and install the infrastructure and equipment needed to bring the water to the house. Then we'll help by testing the quality of the water, and checking it for contaminants.

Well Repair Weddington NC

When the results are in, we'll come up with a targeted plan of attack to make the water safe to drink. We'll advise you on how to maintain high water quality on your own in the future. Of course, we'll never be far away if you need us.

We offer:

  • New excavations and installations
  • Well Inspections Monroe NC
  • The maintenance and repair of well-related equipment
  • Repairing of leaks
  • Water well chlorination treatment
  • Custom filtration systems
  • Water testing
  • Water treatments
  • Emergency repairs 24/7
  • A custom filtration system for your home, farm, or business
  • Emergency repair services – call any time of the day or night if the water’s not running
  • Testing of water for contaminants and quality
  • Water treatment

Well Repair Weddington NC | Hire Well Doctor LLC

Give us a call and give us a chance to wow you. Our friendly consultants will be happy to provide you with a rough estimate on the phone. You're also welcome to ask them any questions you might have.

Learn more here.

About Weddington, NC

Weddington has an array of historic buildings you don't want to miss. The charming Thomas-Wrenn House is an excellent example of architectural styles around the turn of the eighteenth century.

The Hemby House is Southern architecture at it’s finest. It’s classically elegant in the Greek Revival style. It’s not hard to imagine Scarlett O’ Hara having a dramatic moment under those eaves. Maybe if she’d been here, Rhett would have stayed.

The town does pride itself in offering entertaining natural spaces. The Big Rock Shelter is one of these and a lot of fun. It's not the longest trail for a serious walker, perhaps, but it is a lot of fun for the kiddies or anyone just out for a quick break.

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